
Showing posts from 2025

一畫跟一畫 "One stroke follows the other."

First Round (1)     丿  1 point (2)     有 (minus 月 )* 2p (3)     廾 3p (4)     开 4p (5)     弁 4p** (6)     并 5p (7)     形 5p (8)     併 6p (9)    拼 6p (10)    瓶 6p (11)    隋 3p (12)    開 5p (13)     ? n th -Round (1)     一 1p (2)     二 2p (3)     三 3p (4)     王 4p (5)     主 5p (6)     美 (minus 大 )* 6p (7)     … Start with one stroke: dian 丶 heng 一 shu 丨 pie 丿 Players each add one stroke at a time. Each turn a point is added, the last one to find a Chinese character wins the total points of the round. Players are allowed to modify previous strokes, but the strokes they modify will be subtracted from the points. If you end up with less p...